Citroen Xantiasince 1993 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Citroen Xantia - Introduction Citroёn Xantia cars - the summary Acquisition of spare parts and identification numbers of the car Technology of performance of repair procedures Tools and workplace equipment Operations procedure in extreme situations Poddomkrachivaniye and towage Change of wheels Engine start from an auxiliary source Identification of leaks Preparation of the car for checkup Diagnostics of malfunctions of knots and car systems Features of traffic regulations of the countries of Europe + Operation manual + Routine maintenance + engine Repair + Systems of cooling, heating + Power supply system and release + engine Electric equipment + Coupling + Transmission + Power shafts + Uniform hydraulic system + Brake system + Running gear and steering + Body and salon furnish + Onboard electric equipment + electric equipment Schemes |
Poddomkrachivaniye and towage Poddomkrachivaniye Entering into a standard complete set of the car the jack is intended only for performance of change of wheels (see below). In all other cases it is necessary to use a jack of telezhechny type, or after a poddomkrachivaniye to establish the car on strong props.
Paws of a telezhechny jack or the hydraulic lift should be got under standard domkratny points of the car or as it is possible closer to them.
For loading distribution between a jack and a threshold of the car it is necessary to lay wooden whetstone. To raise a car front a head of a jack it is necessary to get under the central part of a forward stretcher (besides do not forget to lay the wooden block).
At a poddomkrachivaniye of a back of the car originators of the real Management recommend to get a basic beam under towing eyes. If possibility to use a beam is absent, follows serially поддомкратить and to establish on props at first one bolt of the car, then the second,
When using a jack of a standard complete set watch correctness of input of its head in gearing with amplifiers of thresholds.
Towage In case of serious damages there can be a need for emergency delivery of the failed car on car repair shop. Any motorist in the practice surely faces situations when it is required to carry out towage of other vehicle. Towage on big distances should be carried out only by strengths of specialists of evacuation service. If the distance is rather insignificant, towage can be rather simply carried out by own forces with attraction of the second car. Only strict observance of some special rules is required: • Use at towage of an emergency vehicle only sling specially intended for this purpose which always can be got cheaply practically in any shop of automobile accessories. On back glass of the towed car the alarm plate of the corresponding contents should be established. |