Citroen Xantia

since 1993 of release

Repair and car operation

Citroen Xantia
+ Introduction
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- Engine repair
   + the Repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - petrol engines
   + the Repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - diesel engines
   - Removal and major maintenance of the engine
      Major maintenance of the engine - the general information
      Removal of the power unit - methods and precautionary measures
      Removal, partition and installation of the power unit - models with RKPP
      Removal, partition and installation of the power unit - models with AT
      Order of dismantling of the engine by its preparation for carrying out major maintenance
      Dismantle of a head of cylinders
      Cleaning and check of a condition of a head of cylinders and components of the klapanny mechanism
      Assembly of a head of cylinders
      Removal of shatunno-piston assemblies
      Removal of a cranked shaft
      Cleaning and check of a condition of the block of cylinders/case of the engine
      Check of a condition of shatunno-piston assemblies
      Check of a condition of a cranked shaft
      Check of a condition of loose leaves of radical and shatunny bearings of a cranked shaft
      Engine assembly order after performance of major maintenance
      Installation of piston rings
      Installation of a cranked shaft and check of working gaps of radical bearings
      Installation of shatunno-piston groups on the engine and check of working gaps of shatunny bearings
      Initial start of the engine after completion of its major maintenance
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Uniform hydraulic system
+ Brake system
+ Running gear and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ electric equipment Schemes


Cleaning and check of a condition of the block of cylinders/case of the engine



1. Remove from the block all hinged units and components, and also electric sensors and switches. For the most complete cleaning it is necessary to take vyzhimny jams, drill in jams small openings, screw in them саморезы and, seized flat-nose pliers for heads of screws, pull out jams from the block.

2. On models with the aluminum block take sleeves of cylinders (see below subsection "The aluminum block with "wet" sleeves", item 1).
3. At the corresponding complete set turn out a fixing bolt and take from the block a distributing tube of masloraspylitel of cooling of pistons.
4. Scratch out all traces of a material of old laying from interfaced surfaces of the block, and at the corresponding complete set, also from molding of covers of radical bearings. Try not to damage прокладочные / sealing surfaces.
5. Take all caps of oil galleries (where they are provided). Caps are planted very hardly and, probably, will demand drilling with the subsequent restoration of a carving by a tap. At engine assembly replacement of caps is made without fail.
6. If the case is strongly polluted, performance of steam cleaning is required.
7. After block return from cleaning it is necessary to clean again all oil openings and galleries. Wash out all internal channels of the block warm water. Continue washing until pure water will not start to follow from openings. Carefully dry the block, then slightly oil its interfaced surfaces and mirrors of cylinders in order to avoid corrosion development. If there is an access to a source of the compressed air, use it for acceleration of process of drying and a purge of openings, channels and galleries.

When using the compressed air put on goggles!

8. If the case of the engine is polluted not too strongly, will enough wash out it hot soap water with application of a rigid brush. It is not necessary to try to save time for block washing - treat to this procedure with all responsibility. Regardless of the chosen method of cleaning, as a result of its all oil openings and channels should appear absolutely pure, and the block - carefully dried up. In order to avoid corrosion development slightly oil mirrors of cylinders.

9. All carving openings in the block are necessary for "banishing" a tap suitable on the size, having carefully removed from carving rounds corrosion products, old hermetic and other deposits. Besides, such "pro-race" will help to restore the damaged carving. Whenever possible, blow openings the compressed air, having removed from them shaving and garbage.

All traces of greasing and solvent should be completely removed from deaf openings in order to avoid destruction of molding of the block by hydraulic pressure at a tightening of bolts.

10. Grease with suitable hermetic new caps of oil galleries and screw them in the openings in the block. Strongly tighten caps.
11. At the corresponding complete set establish to the place of a nozzle of masloraspylitel of cooling of pistons. Fix distributing tube of sprays bolts, having tightened the last with demanded effort.
12. If are not going to start immediately engine assembly, wrap the block in a pure plastic bag. Do not forget to take care also of protection of interfaced surfaces and mirrors of cylinders against corrosion (see above).

Condition check

Pig-iron block


1. Visually check block molding on existence of cracks and corrosion traces. Check, whether the carving in any of fixing openings is broken. If there were suspicions on internal leakages of cooling liquid, probably, it is meaningful to address to specialists of car-care center, having asked them to execute careful check of a condition of the block with use of the special equipment. In case of need make regenerative repair or replace the block.
2. Check mirrors of cylinders on existence of scratches and задиров. At detection of such defects it is necessary to check a condition of the corresponding pistons. To considerable wear of cylinders points existence of appreciable step wear in their top part.
3. It is necessary to make measurement of their diameters for more exact assessment of degree of wear of cylinders in several points. Enter a nutromer into the first cylinder and make measurement of its diameter in three various sections parallel to an axis of a cranked shaft. One measurement is made in the top part of the cylinder, the second is direct under edge of a fillet of the step wear, - in the central part of the cylinder and the third - at distance about 10 mm over the bottom cut. All measurements are made in the plane, a perpendicular axis of cylinders and parallel to an axis of a cranked shaft.
4. Repeat measurements in former sections of cylinders, this time perpendicular to a shaft axis. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications (in the absence of standard data, address for consultation to experts firm Citroёn company service center).
5. If any of results falls outside the limits an admissible range, cylinders are subject to a pro-point with the subsequent replacement of pistons on new, the corresponding repair size. The unique alternative to a pro-point of cylinders is complete replacement of the block complete with pistons.

The aluminum block with "wet" sleeves


1. Where it is required, remove clamps of sleeves, then by means of a drift from a firm tree beat out sleeves from the block. Having liberated sleeves from cylinders, overturn the block sideways and take sleeves from cylinders manually. In process of extraction of sleeves, paste on their left walls (from transmission) adhesive tape strips on which at once inscribe number of the corresponding cylinder, including the first the next to a flywheel / to a driving disk.

2. Remove from the bases of sleeves sealing rings.

3. Check sleeves on existence of deep scratches and задиров, their mirrors indicating excessive wear.
4. In the presence of near at hand measuring equipment, measure internal diameter of a sleeve of the first cylinder in three sections parallel to an axis of a cranked shaft (see above subsection "Pig-iron block", item 3).
5. Repeat measurements in the same sections, but perpendicular to a shaft axis. Compare results to requirements of Specifications.
6. Operating in a similar manner, estimate degree of wear of the remained sleeves.
7. In case of wear of sleeves over an admissible limit, or in the presence of deep defects of their mirrors, it is necessary to get a replaceable set. In the absence of confidence of an assessment of a condition of sleeves do not hesitate to address for the help to experts.
8. Replacement of sleeves of cylinders is made complete with pistons and piston rings. Sweep up that acquisition of sleeves in an individual order is not obviously possible.
9. For the purpose of saving of factory admissions sets of replaceable pistons and sleeves are divided into three dimensional groups. Identification of dimensional group of the piston is made by means of warranty marking (And, In or C) which is put on their bottoms. Sleeves are marked by risks (from one to three) which are put on from the top sponges. Sleeves from one risky it is used complete with group A pistons, with two - In and with three, respectively, - S.Dopuskayetsya installation in various cylinders of pistons and sleeves of different groups, however in each cylinder the sleeve without fail should correspond on group to the piston.
10. Before installation of sleeves carefully wipe surfaces of the block of cylinders interfaced to them. By means of a fine-grained emery paper заполируйте agnails and the teases, capable to bring to damage of new sealing rings. Dry wipe sleeves, then establish on their bases new sealing rings, previously having slightly greased the last.
11. At installation to the place of old sleeves watch that they were planted strictly in former cylinders and were correctly сориентированы in the block (on the pasted strips of an adhesive tape). Try when filling sleeves in cylinders not to damage sealing rings. Finally sleeves застукиваются in the block a hammer through a drift from a firm tree. Blows should be lungs and be put until a sleeve will not rest the landing coat hanger. Carefully wipe acting surfaces of sleeves and slightly oil them in order to avoid corrosion development.
12. Having finished installation of sleeves, check size of their vystupaniye from the block by means of a tsiferblatny measuring instrument of plunzherny type (it is alternatively possible to use a measuring instrument of planeness and shchupy lezviyny type). Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications. The maximum difference of size of a vystupaniye between any two sleeves should not exceed the stipulated admissible value.
13. At installation of new sleeves their shift from the cylinder in the cylinder for the purpose of reduction in standard of control value (on a difference of sizes of a vystupaniye) is allowed. Remember that the piston should be rearranged together with a sleeve.
14. If to achieve satisfactory result it is not possible, address for the help to specialists of car-care center.